What is overbraiding?
Overbraiding is a technique for applying a woven mesh jacket to a cable or wire harness. The overbraid is composed of multiple strands of coated nylon or metallic ‘yarns’ which are braided around a cable as it is fed through the overbraiding machine. Overbraiding is an alternative to cable sheathing, polymer split loom, and pre-woven sleeve.
At Buse Industries, we have six harness braiding machines - four 24 carriers and two16 carriers - capable of applying an overbraid to cables anywhere from 1/16” to ½” in diameter. Our stock yarn is a high temperature resistant PVC polymer with a high tenacity nylon core.
Advantages of overbraiding
Overbraiding is a versatile and cost effective method for protecting a cable or wire harness. It offers a tremendous amount of flexibility thanks to the multitudinous color and material options.
Overbraiding is ideal for applications where high temperature, excessive friction, corrosive chemicals, oil or moisture are present. The braiding machines can also be set up using tinned copper strands where seamless shielding is required for EMI protection.
Other advantages:
Fibers are directly placed onto the core
Low waste rate <10%
Excellent crash properties (SLR crascone)
High deposition rate of fibers
Used for load bearing applications (bending + torsion)
Overbraiding is mechanical technology that harkens back to the industrial revolution. The first patent on braiding machinery was issued to the Englishman Thomas Walford in 1748. It is a joy to watch!
To learn more about overbraiding or other techniques for securing wire harnesses and cables, call us. Or, request a followup and we'll call you.